Angus cattle are great all-rounders and cow-families are at the heart of any successful stud programme.

Foundation bloodlines for the Shamrock Angus stud cow herd started with the purchase of nine (9) in-calf cows from the Springdale dispersal.
Stud numbers increased with the purchase of stud heifers from Kaharau Angus over a number of years and 21 females at the Rangatira dispersals.

The cow herd at Shamrock Angus are a very sound, robust, easy doing, good quiet temperament herd and fit extremely well into the Shamrock Angus stud programme and ideally suited to their clients.

Practical stockmanship, experience and common sense, combined with carcase scanning data, guide Shamrock Angus in their benchmark criteria.
- All females are performance recorded and expected to breed and rear a calf every year. Any that fail to meet our benchmark are culled. This is a fundamental practice at Shamrock Angus, as is temperament at calving combined with mothering skills.
- Structural soundness, fertility and temperament are fundamentals in any breeding herd.
- Shamrock Angus cows are run under commercial conditions in conjunction with the sheep flock.
All Shamrock Angus progeny have been tested with the AngusGS Total Bundle.